I love this app! For the last few years, Ive been trying to motivate myself to write my fiction novel. Im always writing academic papers, essays, books, etc., but its always like pulling teeth. Since my first typing experiences were with a typewriter (I took a typing class in high school), I find that the typing sound motivates me to write. I was looking for a typewriter, but do not have an adequate set up for it and a typewriter is hardly portable - even though there are portable typewriters.
After downloading this app, the soothing sound of the typewriter seems to make the ideas flow easily. Writing is no longer like pulling teeth. Because the world processing is limited, I get all my ideas out with this app, export the document, and edit using Pages or (on my laptop) Scrivner.
Having said all that, heres the downfall. I cant use the onscreen keyboard and always carry a portable keyboard when I go out to my local coffee shop to write. This app has a problem with outside keyboards because it crashes after typing out a few paragraphs. Please fix this problems. Now that the ideas are flowing, itll be a shame if something as minor as a crashing app slows me down.
Knitedreams about Hanx Writer