I love this app! Ive used many typewriters, from the manuals I learned on in high school, to the amazing (before the advent of the P.C.) IBM Selectric at work. And, while Ive loved all my P.C.s, laptops, tablets, etc., I still miss that satisfying sound of typewriter keys hitting paper. I get that and so much more with this beautiful app, plus I can now explain to my 4 year old granddaughter, able to use a tablet since she was 2, what a typewriter is! She loves the Hanx Writer too, and learns letters, numbers and words while "playing" on it! So, "Thank You Tom Hanks", not only for the joy of watching you act so flawlessly and so believably in many, many parts (Every part youve played, in fact!) but for the fun of typing again!
SuperNana! about Hanx Writer, v1.1.2